Parish News

Parish News


New GDPR (General Data Protection Regulations)

The new GDPR became law across Europe on Friday 25th May 2018. The Diocese of Paisley would like to reassure you that it takes your data very seriously and will protect it in compliance with all aspects of the new regulation. We have established that for Parish groups and ministries there is a legitimate interest for the purpose of contacting you that constitutes the legal basis for holding personal data, and for Gift Aid this is covered by the agreement that you previously signed, so you do not need to do anything else at present. If there is any need to gain your approval for any specific purpose then you will be contacted. The Privacy Notice can be read by clicking here.

New Mass Times:

Fr Jonathan will also be Parish Priest to Holy Family, Port Glasgow and therefore the Mass times in St Francis' must be altered. The Mass times in both St Francis' and Holy Family will be as follows:

St Francis'

Monday and Friday - 9:30am

Wednesday - 7pm (Confessions: 6-6:50pm)

Saturday Vigil - 5pm (Confessions: 4:15-4:50pm)

Sunday - 10am

Holy Family

Tuesday, Thursday & Saturday - 9:30am

Sunday - 12pm & 4:30pm

Confessions - Saturday 10-10:45

Inclusive Mass - now in Holy Family Church.

There will be a Mass that is more suitable for those with additional support needs on the first Sunday of each month at 12pm in Holy Family. All welcome.

Parish Quiz Night

The Parish Quiz Nights have returned. 7:30pm start in the Hall; BYOB; raffle; throw £1 at bottle; £2 adults & £1 school children. Raffle prizes would be much appreciated. The next Parish Quiz Night will take place on: Friday 29th November. 

RCIA (Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults)

This year's RCIA will begin again soon. If interested in becoming a Catholic or finding out more about the teachings of the Catholic Church, or if you would like more information, please speak with Fr Jonathan after Mass or send an email ASAP.

Parent and Toddler Group

In the Hall every Wednesday 1pm-2:30pm.

Live Streamed Mass

If you are unable to attend Mass in person, Mass will be live streamed on the parish YouTube channel:

Are you being called to become a Priest?

 If you feel you may have a call to the Priesthood please contact Fr. John Morrison 0141 8895056 or email .


Admission to Hospital

If you are due to go into hospital please contact your local Priest to receive the Sacrament of the Sick before admission. Every hospital has a system to contact a Priest in emergencies; a family member simply asks a member of staff to contact the Priest on Call and he will visit. Other non-emergency visits can be arranged via the Hospital Chaplain if required. Due to Data Protection, the Chaplain won’t know you are in the hospital unless you inform him


Gift Aid and Legacies:

UK Taxpayer? Signing a Gift Aid declaration recorded donations to your Parish or the Diocese are increased by 25% at no extra cost to you. Standing order, cheque or by a box of weekly donation envelopes to donate. Gift Aid forms from your Parish Priest or online at Please also consider including your Parish or Diocese in your Will.



The Parish is now on Twitter. Please follow us @RCStFrancisPG for news items and updates from around the Parish, diocese and elsew